Dear Parishioners:
Today we celebrate Mother's Day! In the United States, the first Mother's Day was celebrated by Anna Jarvis in honor of her late mother over 100 years ago in 1908. While Mother's Day in the United States is a secular holiday, the Catholic Church has celebrated the original "Mothering Sunday" since the earliest years of the Church.
So today, as Catholics, we celebrate our Mothers by giving gifts. Still, more importantly, we pray for all living and deceased Mothers. Masses on Mother's Day are offered for Mothers. In particular, we remember the Mothers whose names are inscribed on the Mother's Day envelopes.
On this special Day to honor Mothers, we thank God for Motherhood's wonder, miracle, and gift. Mothers carry us in their wombs, the first home of the whole human race. They offer us to the family, the Church, and the whole world.
Mothers gave us life and birthed us into the relationships which give our life meaning, the family. They taught and nurtured us on the way by offering wisdom, giving us love, and making sacrifices. Mothers picked us up when we fell and unconditionally loved us back when we strayed.
There is no one like a mother, no substitute for her place, no equal to her love and placement in our life. St. Therese of Lisieux said: "The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother." So let us honor and celebrate Motherhood today with our prayers at Mass.
We also honor our Blessed Mother today at the May Crowning at 10:30 am Mass. The First Communion Class join us in this beautiful ceremony as we crown Mary, Queen of May! Let us turn to our Mother Mary and pray for our living and deceased mothers.
We congratulate our First Communion Class who received Jesus Christ truly present in the Eucharist on Saturday. First Communion Mass is always a joyful and hopeful celebration in the life of a parish. Fr. Mahony and I were delighted that the children were ready and prepared, and did well in their interviews. Please pray for our First Communion Class!
Ascension of Christ, Benvenuto Tisi (1481-1559)
This week we celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord 40 days after Easter. We celebrate Jesus' return to God the Father after being with his disciples after the resurrection. It is a central element of our tradition and is included in the creed recited at Mass each Sunday.
Ascension Thursday is a Holy Day of Obligation. The Vigil Mass is Wednesday at 5:00 pm, and on the Holy Day, Masses are at 7:30 am, 10:00 am, and 7:00 pm. Please note that the OLM School Mass has been moved up one hour to accommodate the many grandparents coming for OLM Grandparents' Day.
Grandparents' Day is always very joyful for our school children and their families. Grandparents travel near and far to be here and see the great work their grandchildren are doing at our outstanding parish school.
You may have seen the news that Pope Francis has accepted Bishop Tobin's retirement as our Bishop on Monday, May 1st. We thank Bishop Tobin for his 18 years of strong, loving, and wise leadership as our shepherd. I thank him for all his personal and pastoral support for me and my priesthood over the years. He has been a kind and loving spiritual Father to me and many of our priests. We wish him the best in his well-deserved retirement. May he be healthy and happy! Ad multos annos!
Bishop Tobin and Bishop Henning
Immediately upon Pope Francis accepting Bishop Tobin's retirement, Bishop Henning became the 9th Bishop of Providence. As he begins his episcopal leadership of the Church of Providence, I ask you in your charity to pray daily for Bishop Henning as he "puts out into the deep," teaching, governing, and sanctifying our local Church.
He is a man of deep faith, hope, charity, and great intellect. His ministry as our chief shepherd will be strong, loving, and wise! As we seek to stay in communion with Bishop Henning, let us remember the words of the great Saint Augustine upon his ordination as a bishop. He said: "For you, I am a bishop. With you, I am a Christian."
A Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers! Enjoy your Day! May God bestow his blessings upon all Mothers! See you on the Ascension Holy Day! Be well. Do good. God Bless. Go Sox!!