“Faith lifts the soul. Hope supports it. Experience says it must. And love says let it be!”-St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Faith Formation for Adults
Kali Lavery, newly received into the Catholic Church, was Confirmed and received Holy Communion at the Vigil of Pentecost, June 4, 2022. Here she poses with her family, her sponsor and family and OLM Pastor, Father Healey.
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a program for adults and high school teenagers who:
Have not been baptized and are seeking to follow Jesus Christ and receive the Sacraments of His Holy Roman Catholic Church.
Are Baptized Christians who are seeking full communion in the Catholic Church.
Are Baptized Catholics who, for whatever reason, missed the fullness of the Sacramental life and still need to receive Confession, First Communion, and Confirmation.
Are Catholic and married outside of the Church. God wants to raise your civil union to the supernatural level of the Sacrament of Matrimony and so be able to love as God loves.
Are full members of the Catholic Church who simply want to learn more about the exhaustive treasure of the faith.
The OCIA is the roadmap for the spiritual journey, a gradual process that varies according “to the many forms of God’s grace, the free cooperation of the individual, the actions of the church and the circumstances to time and place.” (OCIA #5). OCIA Classes meet beginning in the Fall of each year and conclude following the Easter Vigil Mass in the Spring.
Here at Our Lady of Mercy, we base our program on Bishop Robert Barron's Catholicism Series. This excellent series consists of ten videos covering every major topic of the Catholic faith. At our weekly meetings, we watch and discuss each topic in detail.
If you are an adult Catholic in need of the Sacraments or non-Catholic interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please contact the parish office at (401) 884-4968 or send an email to FaithFormationDIR@olmparish.org
Faith Formation for Youth
First Communion and Confirmation for Children & Young Adults
The celebraton of First Holy Communion at OLM.
The Holy Family foreshadowed and anticipated what the Second Vatican Council calls “the domestic church”(Second Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church [Lumen Gentium], Each Christian family, exemplified in the Holy Family, is to be a microcosm of the larger Church.
As the larger Church is a communion of persons, so the family is a small communion of persons. The family receives its life from the larger Body of Christ, the Church, and so comes to mirror the life of this larger Church.
Pope John Paul II stated in his apostolic exhortation On the Family (Familiaris Consortio), “The Christian family constitutes a specific revelation and realization of ecclesial communion, and for this reason . . . it can and should be called ‘the domestic Church’” (no. 21).
As Joseph and Mary were the first to proclaim to Jesus the living faith of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, so Christian fathers and mothers are the first to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to their children. They not only present their child for Baptism, but they also promise within the Rite of Baptism to raise their child in accordance with the Gospel and the teachings of the Church. The Second Vatican Council states that parents,
“By their word and example . . . are the first heralds of the faith with regard to their children”
Thus, as the Church is to evangelize all nations, Catholic parents are to evangelize their children by fostering the domestic Church within their own families. They do this in a number of ways, always in keeping with their children's age.
Father Healey distributes First Holy Communion.
When your children were baptized, you promised to bring them up in the Catholic faith. I’m sure many of you think that bringing your child to religious education classes fulfills your obligation. In part, it does. The real center of our faith, however, is the Eucharist.
If you do not feel the need to attend Mass because you are “fulfilling” your religious duty by bringing your children to class every week. Please understand that Faith Formation Classes are only an introduction to a relationship with God.
We all have our priorities. Children should be offered every opportunity when they are growing up –the religious formation of children is the most valuable gift they can receive and that means celebrating the Eucharist together as a Parish, as well as ensuring their participation in religious education classes.
Connection to God through parish worship offers support and hope. It will make a difference in what kind of person a child becomes. Yes, we want our children to be successful. More than that, we want them to be happy and loving, with good people to stand by them. We want them to rely on God when times get tough, as times do for all of us.
In about thirty hours a year, Faith Formation classes cannot provide your children with a relationship with God. Only religious education and practice at home, family prayer and devotions, weekly attendance at Mass, and involvement in the life and ministries of the parish can truly help deepen that relationship. For more information about the Faith Formation Program at Our Lady of Mercy.
“Jesus, however, called the children to himself and said, “Let the children come to me and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these”.”
All parish children who do not attend a Catholic school are offered the opportunity to attend our Faith Formation Program. We believe parents remain the foremost educators in their children’s faith formation. We strive to encourage a collaborative effort and facilitate a welcoming environment that encourages a lifelong commitment to our faith and the Church. Sunday Mass attendance is mandatory for all students at every grade level.
First Communion for Children
First Holy Communion is a two-year program that normally includes 1st and 2nd Grade formation classes. The First Communion Mass is celebrated in the spring of 2nd Grade after First Penance. It is normally scheduled for the Saturday before Mother’s Day. The celebration includes the May Crowning Mass for the First Communion Class on Mother’s Day Sunday Mass. First Confession is normally scheduled before First Communion during the Lenten Season.
Our First Communion Faith Formation Program strives to introduce students to the living faith of the Church, with the Eucharist as its source and summit. In addition, students are introduced to the basic concepts of the faith: Mass, Prayer, Penance, Sin, Forgiveness, Mercy, Worship of God, the Ten Commandments, and the teaching of the prayers of the Catholic Faith.
Confirmation for Young Adults
Bishop Robert C. Evans, Former Auxiliary Bishop of Providence, poses with the newly confirmed Helen Mita, her sponsor Mary Mita, Fr. Healey, Fr. Mahoney, and Fr. Morris. October 20, 2024 at Our Lady of Mercy
Confirmation is a one-year program for 8th-grade who must attend Faith Formation classes. The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated in the fall of 9th Grade. All public and parochial students entering Grade 8 must register for Confirmation.
Our Confirmation Faith Formation Program strives to offer the students a solid review of the basic tenets of our faith, participation in spiritual experiences such as the Rosary, Benediction, Adoration, and Stations of the Cross, Lenten Mission, Holy Week, and preparation for the reception of the Sacrament which is received in the Fall of the 9th grade. There is a mandatory retreat annually. There are opportunities for community service by volunteering.
Family Faith Formation
A monthly Faith Formation Family Class for both parents and children is offered for those families without a child in the First Communion or Confirmation Program. These classes will involve a family learning event on various topics of the faith. This program is designed to allow both parents and children to grow in the understanding and knowledge of the Catholic Faith.
In addition, there is an OLM Family Group that helps support families in their Catholic Faith through various spiritual and social events.
2024-2025 Faith Formation Program
This year’s Faith Formation program will focus on the Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation while also offering classes for adult and parent formation. Students of Grade One, Grade Two, and Grade Eight will have classes approximately twice a month at the dates and times listed on the respective program schedules.
For this year, students in grades not listed above will have the opportunity to attend a family class held once a month.
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to be one of our catechists, please reach out to Julia at FaithFormationDIR@olmparish.org
24/25 Registration Registration Fee: $50 per child
24/25 Grades 3-6 Family Class Schedule Family Class Registration Link
Save Environment Sign-in Form (Please return to the Parish office with your name, position, and signature)
BCI Form (Please fill out the form and submit it with a photocopy of your license (back and front) to the Parish office)
The BCI form must be notarized. You may have this done at the Parish Office.
Contact Information
Mr. Jeremy Long
Faith Formation Director of Confirmation Program
FaithFormation@olmparish.org or 401-884-4968
Miss Julia Anthon, Faith Formation Directress
First Communion Program, Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, Adult & Family Formation Programs
FaithFormationDir@olmparish.org or 401-884-4968
Bishop Henning poses with newly Confirmed Brady Kopka and his sponsor, Mr. Jeremey Long, Fr. Mahoney, and Fr. Healey at Confirmation Mass 2023.