Dear Parishioners:
Happy Feast of Our Lady of Mercy! We welcome Bishop Henning to OLM this weekend as he celebrates our Patronal Feast Day Mass at 10:30 a.m. and blesses the newly installed Church front doors. Following the Mass, join us in Mercy Park, where you can personally welcome the Bishop to OLM.
The devotion to Our Lady of Mercy originates from the Order of Our Lady of Mercy. The Order was founded in 1218 for redeeming Christian captives of the Muslims, a work of great mercy. It has always attributed to Mary a special role in its foundation.
Saint Peter Nolasco, the founder, dedicated the first Church in her honor in 1249. Devotion to Our Lady of Mercy in the Americas can trace its roots to the second voyage of Columbus, accompanied by Mercedarian Father John Solorzano. Thus began a strong missionary apostolate for the Order, which sought to proclaim the freedom of the sons and daughters of God.
Saint Peter Nolasco, founder of the Royal and Military Order of Our Lady of Mercy of the Redemption of the Captives (the Mercedarians
Mercedarians through the centuries have seen in Mary the prototype of that freedom and truth accomplished for us by Jesus in the merciful work of our Redemption. By looking upon Mary as the true follower of her son, we understand more fully the freedom found in her words: "Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord."
And in the words of the Magnificat, we recognize the liberating mission of Jesus, reflected in the prayerful song of His Mother: "His mercy is from age to age…He has lifted up the lowly, the hungry He has filled with good things." Our Lady of Mercy, pray for us!
We begin our Parish Feast Week as we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Mercy on September 24! On Monday, we have over 140 golfers playing in our Annual OLM Saints and Scholars Open at Quidnessett! Pray for good weather! Fr. Mahoney is again promising a victory for his foursome! Let's see how that shakes out!
We gather for prayer and adoration on Wednesday night as we celebrate a Holy Hour of Mercy. Join us for Eucharistic Adoration, prayer, meditative music, and a reflection on Mercy by Fr. James Ruggeri. He is an outstanding preacher and one of the finest priests in the Diocese. Come and pray for Our Lady of Mercy's intercession.
Thursday night at 6:00 p.m., we gather on Lynch Field for our Act of Mercy. Everyone is welcome to come and help us prepare backpacks for the homeless. Adults and children are welcome to join us in this Act of Mercy.
The OLM Oktoberfest ends our Feast Week Festivities on Friday night. We end the feast by celebrating the coming month of October dedicated to our patroness, the Blessed Mother. We gather as a parish family from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. to enjoy fantastic German food, beer, and music. It is always an enjoyable evening. There is no admission, but plenty of fun for the whole family!
We will also draw our winners of the See You in September Raffle at the Oktoberfest! $10,000 in prize money will be awarded to our winners. There are still tickets available. You've got to be in it to win it!
Autumn has begun, and with it, the change in the temperature. Soon, the leaves change color and fall from the trees. Football is back, too. Pray for the Patriots. It's going to be a long season. But autumn is beautiful, especially in New England with its colorful foliage. As the English poet Emily Brontë wrote: "Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree."
Over the last week, Fr. Mahoney and I have carefully interviewed our 50 Confirmation candidates. They seem well-prepared, ready, and enthusiastic about this milestone in their faith lives. We thank their parents and teachers for helping to prepare them properly through faith, education, prayer, good works, and worship of God at Sunday Mass. Please pray for them and their chosen sponsors as they prepare for Confirmation on October 29.
Fr. Mahoney departs for Rome on Tuesday to attend the Ordination Mass of Transitional Deacons at Saints Peter and Paul Basilica. On Thursday, two Providence seminarians, Noah DaSilva and Joseph Brodeur, are being ordained. Please pray for them and their entire class. On his return home, Father stops in England for soccer matches and perhaps visits a pub or two! Please pray for his safe travel. Happy Feast of Our Lady of Mercy! Welcome to OLM, Bishop Henning! Do good. Be well. God Bless. Go Pats!