Dear Parishioners:
Fr. Healey, Fr. Connors, and the seminarians from Our Lady of Providence Seminary.
Last Sunday, Fr. Connors, Rector of Our Lady of Providence Seminary, celebrated the 10:30 am. He brought the eighteen seminarians in formation for the priesthood at the seminary. They are an impressive group of young men answering the Lord's call to follow him as a priest. They are not all from the Diocese of Providence. Some of these men prepare to serve as priests for other Dioceses, including Boston, Worcester, Manchester, New Hampshire, Brooklyn, Rochester, and Rockville Centre, New York. It was a tremendous sign of hope for our Church and a particular grace for our parish. Speaking to seminarians in formation for the priesthood,
Pope Francis urged them to: "Never extinguish that fire that will make you fearless preachers of the Gospel, dispensers of divine treasures. Be united with Jesus, like Mary, to surrender yourselves with Him in the Eucharistic sacrifice and the glory of His triumph. Pray for Fr. Connors and the OLP Seminary Faculty as they lead and guide these men in formation. Pray seminarians heed the Holy Father's wise words and persevere in their priestly vocation. They are the future priests who will serve God's people and proclaim the Gospel.
Construction project in Mercy Park.
As you've noticed, we are adding some pavers around the Sacred Heart statue in Mercy Park. When completed, it will be a beautiful addition to our parish's physical plant, and the statue will be highlighted. The Sacred Heart of Jesus is mercy itself, and the statue is a fitting addition to Mercy Park. We hope to add a few stone benches to the park as part of this project so Mercy Park might be available for prayer, reflection, and receptions.
Our school boiler project is underway. The two new boilers have been ordered and are being built. We hope to install them in the next few weeks. Arden Engineering Constructors are the project's contractor, and the total cost of the boilers is $168,000. It is being funded by the proceeds from the Grateful for God's Providence Capital Campaign. Thank you for your generous support of the campaign, which has made this most needed project possible.
This Thursday a Farewell Mass for Archbishop Henning will be celebrated at the Cathedral. Everyone is invited to attend the Mass and say Farewell as we pray for Archbishop Henning. He will be installed as the new Archbishop of Boston on October 31.
Confirmation 2024 at OLM with Archbishop Henning.
Next Sunday, at the 5:00 pm Mass, fifty-six young adults of our parish will be confirmed by Bishop Evans. They will confirm their Catholic Faith and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. After interviewing them, I know they are well prepared to receive the Sacrament. I am grateful to Mr. Jeremy Long, who directs our Confirmation Program. Please pray for them.
As Pope Francis has said: "We can study the history of salvation, we can study the whole of Theology, but without the Spirit we cannot understand. It is the Spirit that makes us realize the truth or–in the words of Our Lord–it is the Spirit that makes us know the voice of Jesus."
Sister Lourdes departed this week to visit her native home in the Philippines. While there, she will meet with her superiors at the Motherhouse. She will also be able to spend some time with her family. She returns to OLM in early November. Please pray for her safe travels.
Monday is Columbus Day, commemorating explorer Christopher Columbus' landing in the New World on October 12, 1492. It also celebrates the cultural heritage of Italian Americans since Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy. When I was a child, "Columbus Day" was celebrated, not just with banks and post offices closed but also with a day off of school. All of America celebrated the hero who "in 1492…sailed the ocean blue."
I invite you to celebrate the day with prayer and devotion. Join us for Mass at 8:30 a.m. and October Devotions at 7:00 p.m. Our Rosary last Monday night was offered for peace, especially in the Holy Land. October is Respect Life Month, and so this week, we offer the Rosary for increased respect for the sanctity of all human life.
Be well. Do good. God Bless. Happy Columbus Day!
The First Landing of Christopher Columbus (1450-1506) in America, 1862 by Dioscoro Teofilo Puebla Tolin